Posted by a. k. a. Peachy / Pebbs in pebble b*tch
Now that school is almost over, I've seen a couple of friends with whom I've lost touch while I was buried in the pile that is called schoolwork. We are all "resurfacing," a.k.a. catching up. I've caught up with my friend Mawadda, and that brought back memories of Deeqa (who's buried in her own Ph.D. work), who once wisely told me, "Uh...crooks do reproduce."
At that time, I'd laughed because I found it funny. It took me three years to appreciate it as truth, and see the irony. Because in fact, crooks had been procreating and giving birth to crook-offspring, who grow up to become adult crooks, who in turn perpetuate the vicious cycle of populating the world with more crooks who are the bane of my existence.
If you know me well enough, then you know who (plural) I'm talking about. >:(
New favorite quote: "Just because a statement is delivered with force and volume does not make it fact." - Cassie from "Secrets" (may not be an exact quote, but it's close enough)