I Can't Stand...  

Posted by a. k. a. Peachy / Pebbs in

People who are in love with the sound of their voices.

Pepole who talk incessantly about the most inane things, even if no one really wants to listen.

Worse, one specific person who tries to make conversation about what the future of PC game controllers will be, and how he got drunk when, where, and why, because he KNOWS no one really wants to listen. And how he says it is even worse -- in this slow drawl that he must think is cool.

He's not talking to me, thank God. I just happen to have the misfortune of being in the general vicinity every time he spews out these senseless mutterings.

About Me

stressed, over-worked, procrastinating, fast-talking, strong-willed, opinioniated, tooth-drilling daydreamer somewhere in NY, USA


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