I Should've Been a Vet  

Posted by a. k. a. Peachy / Pebbs in

I need your support here, friends. Please sign the and forward the petition to stop the Canadian Seal Hunt. A lot of seals are being hunted, shot and beaten for their fur.

I watched the movie clip on the site, and ended up crying. :(

Never-Ending Stress Story  

Posted by a. k. a. Peachy / Pebbs in ,

Of course, between now and "Pittsburgh," it would be too much to hope that nothing angst-laden will happen. The entire experience (from the preparation to the actual event), and the days following it spell A-N-X-I-E-T-Y to me and to everyone involved.

I need 48 hours in a day. I need more than 2-3 hours of sleep each night. I need this to be over and done with -- successfully (yes, I mean "in a successful manner). Most importantly, I need a vacation -- in Cancun.

Right now, I want one of those remote controls that Adam Sandler's character had in the movie "Click," where I can hit "Pause" and I have more time to do all I need to do in a day, and still have time to sleep (and probably wake up fat, like he did in the movie). I want to hit "Rewind" to undo some things that I must have done while I'm half-awake, half-dead in my sleepless state. And I want to hit "Fast Forward" to May 9, 2008, when I would have survived "Pittsburgh" and breeze through the stress that comes after it.

So what if I miss all of life's moments while I'm in "Fast Forward" mode in my remote control? I'm missing all of life's moments now as it is, anyway.

A long time ago, one of my professors asked our class this question:

If you can live your life over, would you?
At the time, I was young and idealistic, so I did not want to live my life over. Regret is a sad, hopeless feeling, and looking back and asking, "What if?" and knowing you are powerless to change things would not help. So I lived my life the way I wanted to.

Now that I'm older, and I could hope, wiser, I still would not want to live my life over, but it would be because I really, truly, ABSOLUTELY refuse to go through all of this stress all over again.

Do the Math  

Posted by a. k. a. Peachy / Pebbs in ,

490 - 1 =491...friends in Friendster!

No, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the signs (it really was meant to be minus), so this is the right math equation (or at least, this is exactly how things went down).

You win some, you lose some.

I'm back, and I'm going to kick some b*tt. :)

About Me

stressed, over-worked, procrastinating, fast-talking, strong-willed, opinioniated, tooth-drilling daydreamer somewhere in NY, USA


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