I Should've Been a Vet  

Posted by a. k. a. Peachy / Pebbs in

I need your support here, friends. Please sign the and forward the petition to stop the Canadian Seal Hunt. A lot of seals are being hunted, shot and beaten for their fur.

I watched the movie clip on the site, and ended up crying. :(


Very graphic indeed...

I don't get why people don't start farms for these animals if the demand for their skin is so high.

That was very graphic...

But the footage seems staged?

I don't understand how there could be a narrator there or did they have permission to just randomly film the hunters?

Thanks for stopping by.

I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it was a video of the hunt itself, and that video ended up on the hands of PETA somehow.

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stressed, over-worked, procrastinating, fast-talking, strong-willed, opinioniated, tooth-drilling daydreamer somewhere in NY, USA


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